The role of the Working Group and Plans for the Future

Dear all,

At each General Assembly, the International Astronomical Union has to determine the continuation or discontinuation of Commissions and Working Groups. Consequently, I intend to prepare a short letter emphasizing the role of the IAU-Working Group on Ap and related stars in bringing together a community with a diversity of expertise and scientific interests, and describing our plans for the next three years.

Although our working group exits beyond the IAU, discussing about the role it may play in the CP community is always a good exercise. Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to suggest that we share some ideas in this respect. Here are some questions to trigger the discussion:

1) What should be our plans for the next triennium (generally speaking, and in terms of specific activities)?

2) Should the WG play other roles besides promoting the reunion and information exchange between its members? If yes, which roles?

3) Is this forum of any use for those working on CP stars? How could it be improved?

Thanks in advance for your participation!
