
Publications are taken from ADS. The main criterium in the search is that the article has a keywordchemically peculiar‘, ‘Herbig‘, or ‘stars magnetic field‘ though some fine tuning parameters are also used.

Last update: October 7, 2024.

Newest entries

New numerical models of atomic diffusion in the atmospheres of cool Ap stars, including ambipolar diffusion of hydrogen
Alecian, G., Stift, M. J.
2024, A&A, 689, A265 [ DOI | ADS ]

The mass distribution of stellar mergers: A new scenario for several FS CMa stars
Dvořáková, N., Korčáková, D., Dinnbier, F., Kroupa, P.
2024, A&A, 689, A234 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetism in LAMOST CP stars observed by TESS
Thomson-Paressant, K., Neiner, C., Labadie-Bartz, J.
2024, A&A, 689, A208 [ DOI | ADS ]

Properties of observable mixed inertial and gravito-inertial modes in γ Doradus stars
Galoy, M., Lignières, F., Ballot, J.
2024, A&A, 689, A177 [ DOI | ADS ]

Secular stability of surface abundance structures in the rapidly rotating Ap star 56 Ari
Potravnov, I., Piskunov, N., Ryabchikova, T.
2024, A&A, 689, A111 [ DOI | ADS ]

A conclusive non-detection of magnetic field in the Am star o Peg with high-precision near-infrared spectroscopy
Kochukhov, O., Amarsi, A. M., Lavail, A., Ruh, H. L., Hahlin, A., and 8 more
2024, A&A, 689, A36 [ DOI | ADS ]

Phosphorus Abundances of B-Type Stars in the Solar Neighborhood
Takeda, Y.
2024, AcA, 74, 43 [ DOI | ADS ]

Pulsations of Three Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars TIC 96315731, TIC 72392575, and TIC 318007796
Zhong, H.-J., Shen, D.-X., Zhu, C.-H., Liu, H.-L., Guo, S.-F., and 1 more
2024, RAA, 24, 085014 [ DOI | ADS ]

A benchmark rapidly oscillating chemically peculiar (roAp) star: α Cir
Kallinger, T., Weiss, W. W., Kuschnig, R., Stassun, K. G.
2024, A&A, 688, A62 [ DOI | ADS ]

Extreme magnetic field modulus variability of the Bp star HD 57372
Hubrig, S., Chojnowski, S. D., Järvinen, S. P., Ilyin, I., Pan, K.
2024, A&A, 687, A282 [ DOI | ADS ]

New ACV variables discovered in the Zwicky Transient Facility survey
Bauer-Fasching, B., Bernhard, K., Brändli, E., Burger, H., Eisele, B., and 6 more
2024, A&A, 687, A211 [ DOI | ADS ]

Chemically peculiar stars on the pre-main sequence
Kueß, L., Paunzen, E., Faltová, N., Jadlovský, D., Labaj, M., and 10 more
2024, A&A, 687, A176 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars. VII. HD 141556 (χ Lupi)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 242 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 34382: A Photometrically Identified Candidate Centrifugal Magnetosphere Star
Kiker, T., Diaz, V., Bouma, L. G., Shultz, M., David-Uraz, A., and 1 more
2024, RNAAS, 8, 238 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars. VI. HD 173524 (46 Dra)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 221 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars. V. HD 174933 (112 Her)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 203 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of Surface Abundances for HD 129174 (π 1 Boo)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 193 [ DOI | ADS ]

Variability Census of Legacy Catalogs. III. 8600+ New δ Scuti and γ Doradus Stars
Zhou, A.-Y.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 190 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars. IV. HD 149121 (28 Her) and HD 178065
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 178 [ DOI | ADS ]

Searching for high-amplitude gamma Doradus variables in the Gaia and the TESS missions
Plachy, E., Sódor, Á.
2024, eas, 997 [ ADS ]

KIC 7756853: two hybrid δ Sct – γ Dor stars with Rossby and gravito-inertial pulsation modes in a double-lined spectroscopic system
Samadi-Ghadim, A., Lampens, P., Jiang, C.
2024, eas, 99 [ ADS ]

High-amplitude γ Doradus pulsators in the Kepler data
Sódor, Á., Bognár, Z., Plachy, E.
2024, tkas, 89 [ DOI | ADS ]

Measuring core rotation in γ Doradus stars from dips in the gravity-mode period spacing pattern
Barrault, L., Bugnet, L., Mathis, S.
2024, tkas, 63 [ DOI | ADS ]

Gravity-mode period spacings of the hybrid γ Doradus/δ Scuti star HD 49434
Meadows, G., Brunsden, E.
2024, tkas, 78 [ DOI | ADS ]


Exploring the physical properties of the γ Dor binary star RX Dra with photometry and asteroseismology
Li, P., Liao, W.-P., Zeng, Q.-H., Sun, Q.-B., Li, M.-Y.
2024, NewA, 111, 102234 [ DOI | ADS ]

Amplitude Modulation in a δ Sct star HD 118660
Sarkar, M., Joshi, S., De Cat, P.
2024, BSRSL, 93, 285 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS Exploration of Targets Investigated for the Nainital-Cape Survey Project
Dileep, A., Joshi, S., Kurtz, D. W.
2024, BSRSL, 93, 227 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Sample of Am and Ap Candidates from LAMOST DR10 (v1.0) Based on the Ensemble Regression Model
Yang, H.-F., Wang, R., Cai, J.-H., Luo, A. -L., Du, B., and 6 more
2024, ApJS, 272, 43 [ DOI | ADS ]

Statistical relations between spectropolarimetric observables and the polar strength of the stellar dipolar magnetic field
Kochukhov, O.
2024, A&A, 686, A189 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic Field Structures of the Stars HD 94660, HD 75049, and HD 154708
Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
2024, AstL, 50, 148 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars. III. HD 145389 (ϕ Her) and HD 186122 (46 Aql)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 170 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars. II. HD 143807 and HD 16727
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 155 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Abundance of Chlorine in the Atmosphere of HD 87240
Veyry, R., Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 147 [ DOI | ADS ]

Determination of the Abundance of Mercury from the Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å in Late B-type Stars: Paper I—HD 35548 and HD 89822
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 136 [ DOI | ADS ]

Origin and Evolution of Large-Scale Magnetic Fields of Chemically Peculiar Stars. I. Intermediate-Age Clusters
Romanyuk, I. I., Yakunin, I. A., Moiseeva, A. V., Semenko, E. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O., and 1 more
2024, AstBu, 79, 95 [ DOI | ADS ]

Using ZDI maps to determine magnetic forces and torques at the photospheres of early-type stars
MacDonald, J., Natan, T., Petit, V., Kochukhov, O., Shultz, M. E.
2024, MNRAS, 530, 2840 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS photometry and CAOS spectroscopy of six eclipsing binaries with Am components
Catanzaro, G., Frasca, A., Alonso-Santiago, J., Colombo, C.
2024, A&A, 685, A133 [ DOI | ADS ]

Probability distributions of initial rotation velocities and core-boundary mixing efficiencies of γ Doradus stars
Mombarg, J. S. G., Aerts, C., Molenberghs, G.
2024, A&A, 685, A21 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Hg II Line at 5677.10 Å: A New Proxy to Derive Abundances of Mercury in Late B-type Stars?
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 113 [ DOI | ADS ]

Validating Gaia DR3 Pulsating Variable Classifications with TESS: Building Reliable δ Scuti and γ Doradus Stars Catalogs (In Progress)
Zhou, A.-Y.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 110 [ DOI | ADS ]

The FUV Fluxes of A-type Star Members of the Hyades
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 109 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectrum and energy levels of the low-lying configurations of Nd III
Ding, M., Ryabtsev, A. N., Kononov, E. Y., Ryabchikova, T., Clear, C. P., and 2 more
2024, A&A, 684, A149 [ DOI | ADS ]

Probing the amplitude modulation and pulsational energy re-distribution in the oscillation of HD 137949
Ofodum, C. N., Okeke, P. N., Okere, B. I.
2024, NewA, 108, 102176 [ DOI | ADS ]

Long-period Ap stars discovered with TESS data: Cycles 3 and 4
Mathys, G., Holdsworth, D. L., Kurtz, D. W.
2024, A&A, 683, A227 [ DOI | ADS ]

Testing pulsation diagnostics in the rapidly oscillating magnetic Ap star γ Equ using near-infrared CRIRES+ observations
Järvinen, S. P., Hubrig, S., Wolff, B., Kurtz, D. W., Mathys, G., and 3 more
2024, A&A, 683, A66 [ DOI | ADS ]

The astrophysical parameters of chemically peculiar stars from automatic methods
Paunzen, E.
2024, A&A, 683, L7 [ DOI | ADS ]

Variability Census of Legacy Catalogs. II. 6600+ New δ Scuti and γ Doradus Stars
Zhou, A.-Y.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 81 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Abundances of the Noble Gases Neon and Xenon in the Atmosphere of 53 Tau (HD 27295)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 72 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Far Ultraviolet Light Curve of 78 Vir (A2p SrCrEu)
Monier, R.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 58 [ DOI | ADS ]

Two High-amplitude δ Scuti–γ Doradus Hybrids Constrained by the Radial Fundamental p and Equally Spaced g Modes
Chen, X., Zhang, X., Li, Y., Su, J.
2024, ApJ, 963, 155 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 12098: a highly distorted dipole mode in an obliquely pulsating roAp star
Kurtz, D. W., Saio, H., Holdsworth, D. L., Joshi, Santosh, Seetha, S.
2024, MNRAS, 529, 556 [ DOI | ADS ]

Multiwavelength detection of an ongoing FUOr-type outburst on a low-mass YSO
Guo, Z., Lucas, P. W., Kurtev, R. G., Borissova, J., Elbakyan, V., and 11 more
2024, MNRAS, 529, L115 [ DOI | ADS ]

Accretion and magnetism on young eccentric binaries: DQ Tau and AK Sco
Pouilly, K., Hahlin, A., Kochukhov, O., Morin, J., Kóspál, Á.
2024, MNRAS, 528, 6786 [ DOI | ADS ]

A survey of molecular line emission towards Herbig Be star V645 Cyg
Gimalieva, A. D., Kirsanova, M. S., Salii, S. V., Kalenskii, S. V., Olofsson, A. O. H., and 1 more
2024, MNRAS, 528, 108 [ DOI | ADS ]

The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. XI. Imaging the hot gas emission around the Herbig Ae star HD58647
GRAVITY Collaboration, Bouarour, Y. -I., Garcia Lopez, R., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Caratti o Garatti, A., and 44 more
2024, A&A, 682, A165 [ DOI | ADS ]

An outburst and FU Ori-type disc of a former low-luminosity protostar
Ashraf, M., Jose, J., Lee, H.-G., Contreras Peña, C., Herczeg, G. J., and 3 more
2024, MNRAS, 527, 11651 [ DOI | ADS ]

Doppler imaging of a southern ApSi star HD 152564
Potravnov, I., Ryabchikova, T., Piskunov, N., Pakhomov, Y., Kniazev, A.
2024, MNRAS, 527, 10376 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photometric monitoring of PMS stars with the telescopes at Rozhen Observatory
Semkov, E., Ibryamov, S., Peneva, S., Mutafov, A.
2024, CoSka, 54, 135 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data
Holdsworth, D. L., Cunha, M. S., Lares-Martiz, M., Kurtz, D. W., Antoci, V., and 45 more
2024, MNRAS, 527, 9548 [ DOI | ADS ]

BD UMi: Eccentric detached binary with γ Doradus type component
Gürol, B.
2024, NewA, 107, 102161 [ DOI | ADS ]

Unveiling δ Scuti and γ Doradus hybrid pulsation of HD 53166 and HD 53349 plus rich frequencies in HD 52788
Zhou, A.-Y.
2024, NewA, 105, 102081 [ DOI | ADS ]


Non-LTE abundance analysis of A-B stars with low rotational velocities – II. Do A-B stars with normal abundances exist?
Romanovskaya, A. M., Ryabchikova, T. A., Pakhomov, Yu V., Korotin, S. A., Sitnova, T. M.
2023, MNRAS, 526, 3386 [ DOI | ADS ]

A search for magnetic δ Scuti stars in Kepler hybrid candidates
Thomson-Paressant, K., Neiner, C., Lampens, P., Labadie-Bartz, J., Monier, R., and 2 more
2023, MNRAS, 526, 1728 [ DOI | ADS ]

Clustering Properties of Intermediate and High-mass Young Stellar Objects
Vioque, M., Cavieres, M., González, M. P., Ribas, Á., Oudmaijer, R. D., and 4 more
2023, AJ, 166, 183 [ DOI | ADS ]

Fossil nature of the magnetic field of chemically peculiar stars
Romanyuk, I. I., Semenko, E. A., Yakunin, I. A., Moiseeva, A. V., Kudryavtsev, D. O., and 1 more
2023, INASR, 8, 93 [ DOI | ADS ]

Survival of fossil fields during the pre-main sequence evolution of intermediate-mass stars
Schleicher, D. R. G., Hidalgo, J. P., Galli, D.
2023, A&A, 678, A204 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far UV-Paper XIV: HD 143699
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 259 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of the Bp Stars in the Far UV-Paper VII: HD 22316
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 247 [ DOI | ADS ]

Abundances of Iron-peak Elements in the B8 Mn Star HD 110073
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 236 [ DOI | ADS ]

Abundances of Light Elements in the B8 Mn Star HD 110073
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 230 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 28: HD 110073
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 222 [ DOI | ADS ]

Abundances of Heavy Elements in the B8 Mn Star HD 110073
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 218 [ DOI | ADS ]

Variability Census of Legacy Catalogs. I. 1800+ New δ Scuti and γ Doradus Stars
Zhou, A.-Y.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 210 [ DOI | ADS ]

New Abundance Determinations for the B9 Mn Star HD 53929
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 207 [ DOI | ADS ]

Searching for magnetic fields in pulsating A-type stars: the discovery of a strong field in the probable δ Sct star HD 340577 and a null result for the γ Dor star HR 8799
Hubrig, S., Järvinen, S. P., Alvarado-Gómez, J. D., Ilyin, I., Schöller, M.
2023, MNRAS, 526, L83 [ DOI | ADS ]

Most Rotational Variables Dominated by a Single Bright Feature Are α 2 CVn Stars
Heinze, A. N., Flewelling, H., Huber, M. E.
2023, AJ, 166, 169 [ DOI | ADS ]

The \dot{M} -M disk Relationship for Herbig Ae/Be Stars: A Lifetime Problem for Disks with Low Masses?
Grant, S. L., Stapper, L. M., Hogerheijde, M. R., van Dishoeck, E. F., Brittain, S., and 1 more
2023, AJ, 166, 147 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the spatial distribution of electron energy loss due to gyro-cooling in hot star magnetospheres
Das, B., Owocki, S. P.
2023, MNRAS, 525, 1053 [ DOI | ADS ]

GHOST Commissioning Science Results: Identifying a New Chemically Peculiar Star in Reticulum II
Hayes, C. R., Venn, K. A., Waller, F., Jensen, J., McConnachie, A. W., and 78 more
2023, ApJ, 955, 17 [ DOI | ADS ]

Mode coupling coefficients between the convective core and radiative envelope of γ Doradus and slowly pulsating B stars
Aerts, C., Mathis, S.
2023, A&A, 677, A68 [ DOI | ADS ]

Angular momentum transport by magnetic fields in main-sequence stars with Gamma Doradus pulsators
Moyano, F. D., Eggenberger, P., Salmon, S. J. A. J., Mombarg, J. S. G., Ekström, S.
2023, A&A, 677, A6 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Catalog and Statistical Analysis for Magnetic Stars
Rustem, A., Lü, G.-L., Liu, J.-Z., Zhu, C.-H., Zhang, Y., and 3 more
2023, RAA, 23, 095024 [ DOI | ADS ]

Gaia21bty: An EXor light curve exhibiting a FUor spectrum
Siwak, M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Giannini, T., and 14 more
2023, MNRAS, 524, 5548 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Gaia alerted fading of the FUor-type star Gaia21elv
Nagy, Z., Park, S., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., and 24 more
2023, MNRAS, 524, 3344 [ DOI | ADS ]

High-precision photometric and high-resolution spectroscopic characterization of HD 180347
Trust, O., Mashonkina, L., Jurua, E., De Cat, P., Tsymbal, V., and 1 more
2023, MNRAS, 524, 1044 [ DOI | ADS ]

Origin of magnetism in early-type stars
Hidalgo, J. P., Käpylä, P. J., Ortiz-Rodríguez, C. A., Navarrete, F. H., Toro, B., and 1 more
2023, BAAA, 64, 50 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far UV-Paper XIII: HD 161480
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 197 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Ap/Fp Stars in the Ultraviolet-Paper I: HD 137949 (33 Lib)
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 181 [ DOI | ADS ]

Non-LTE Abundances of Helium, Magnesium, and Silicon in the Atmosphere of the Bp He-weak Star HD 175156
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 171 [ DOI | ADS ]

FU Orionis disk outburst: Evidence for a gravitational instability scenario triggered in a magnetically dead zone
Bourdarot, G., Berger, J. -P., Lesur, G., Perraut, K., Malbet, F., and 8 more
2023, A&A, 676, A124 [ DOI | ADS ]

Frequency analysis of the hybrid δ Sct-γ Dor star CoRoT-102314644
Sánchez Arias, J. P., Creevey, O. L., Chapellier, E., Pichon, B.
2023, A&A, 676, A96 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photometric variability of the LAMOST sample of magnetic chemically peculiar stars as seen by TESS
Labadie-Bartz, J., Hümmerich, S., Bernhard, K., Paunzen, E., Shultz, M. E.
2023, A&A, 676, A55 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far-UV-Paper XII: HD 175156
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 160 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the far-UV-Paper XI: HD 35456
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 159 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak stars in the far-UV-Paper X: HD 49333
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 158 [ DOI | ADS ]

Abundances of Helium, Neon, Magnesium and Phosphorus in the Atmosphere of the Bp He-weak Star HD 175156
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 157 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far UV-Paper IX: HD 142990
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 139 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Surface Composition of Six Newly Discovered Chemically Peculiar Stars. Comparison to the HgMn Stars mu Lep and beta Scl and the Superficially Normal B Star nu Cap
Monier, R., Niemczura, E., Kurtz, D. W., Rappaport, S., Bowman, D. M., and 8 more
2023, AJ, 166, 54 [ DOI | ADS ]

A New Challenge in the Study of Young Stars: Massive Hbe Stars
Ismailov, N. Z., Adigozalzade, H. N.
2023, AzAJ, 18, 5 [ DOI | ADS ]

Does the A-type Metallic-Line Star IW Persei Have Non-Uniform Chemical Anomaly on the Surface?
Takeda, Y.
2023, AcA, 73, 35 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 32239: An Algol type eclipsing binary with a γ Doradus type component
Gürol, B.
2023, NewA, 103, 102052 [ DOI | ADS ]

Fullerenes in the circumstellar medium of Herbig Ae/Be stars: insights from the Spitzer mid-infrared spectral catalog
Arun, R., Mathew, B., Manoj, P., Maheswar, G., Shridharan, B., and 2 more
2023, MNRAS, 523, 1601 [ DOI | ADS ]

Confident detection of doubly ionized thorium in the extreme Ap star CPD-62° 2717
Chojnowski, S. D., Hubrig, S., Nidever, D. L., Niemczura, E., Labadie-Bartz, J., and 2 more
2023, MNRAS, 522, 5931 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the far-UV-Paper VIII: HD 131120
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 132 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far UV-Paper VII: HD 144334
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 123 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far UV-Paper VI: HD 21699
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 117 [ DOI | ADS ]

The FUSE Spectrum of HD 215441 (Babcock’s Star)
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 111 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp Si Stars in the far-UV-Paper VI: HD 215441
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 104 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp Si Stars in the Far UV-Paper V: HD 187473
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 93 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-strong Stars in the far UV-Paper I: HD 37776
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 89 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp Si Stars in the Far UV-Paper V: HD 92664
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 85 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery of a substellar companion in the TESS light curve of the δ Scuti/γ Doradus hybrid pulsator HD 31221
Kálmán, Sz., Derekas, A., Csizmadia, Sz., Szabó, Gy. M., Hegedűs, V., and 7 more
2023, A&A, 673, L14 [ DOI | ADS ]

A New Catalog of Am-type Chemically Peculiar Stars Based on LAMOST
Tian, X., Wang, Z., Zhu, L., Yang, X.-L.
2023, ApJS, 266, 14 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of YSOs in nearby star-forming regions – I. Eruptive YSOs
Contreras Peña, C., Herczeg, G. J., Ashraf, M., Jose, J., Lee, H.-G., and 5 more
2023, MNRAS, 521, 5669 [ DOI | ADS ]

A search for chemical anomalies of seven A-type stars
Nasolo, Yahya, Çalışkan, Seyma
2023, MNRAS, 521, 3699 [ DOI | ADS ]

Surface structure of 45 Hercules: an otherwise unremarkable Ap star with a surprisingly weak magnetic field
Kochukhov, O., Gürsoytrak Mutlay, H., Amarsi, A. M., Petit, P., Mutlay, I., and 1 more
2023, MNRAS, 521, 3480 [ DOI | ADS ]

X-ray emission from Ae/Be Herbig stars due to disc-stellar magnetosphere interaction
Ryspaeva, E., Kholtygin, A., Lyutikov, M.
2023, MNRAS, 521, 2427 [ DOI | ADS ]

Linking the interiors and surfaces of magnetic stars
Fuller, J., Mathis, S.
2023, MNRAS, 520, 5573 [ DOI | ADS ]

A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes – VII. Spot properties on YSOs in IC 5070
Herbert, C., Froebrich, D., Scholz, A.
2023, MNRAS, 520, 5433 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetospheric accretion at the late phases of the pre-main-sequence evolution: the case of RZ Psc
Dmitriev, D. V., Ermolaeva, T. A., Grinin, V. P., Potravnov, I. S.
2023, MNRAS, 520, 3706 [ DOI | ADS ]

The magnetic field of the chemically peculiar star V352 Peg
Fréour, L., Neiner, C., Landstreet, J. D., Folsom, C. P., Wade, G. A.
2023, MNRAS, 520, 3201 [ DOI | ADS ]

BD +30°549: a young helium-weak silicon star in the NGC 1333 star-forming region
Potravnov, I., Mashonkina, L., Ryabchikova, T.
2023, MNRAS, 520, 1296 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photometric variable stars in the young open cluster NGC 6823
Lata, S., Chen, W. P., Pandey, J. C., Dileep, A.l, Ai, Z.-H., and 6 more
2023, MNRAS, 520, 1092 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotational modulation in A and F stars: magnetic stellar spots or convective core rotation?
Henriksen, A. I., Antoci, V., Saio, H., Cantiello, M., Kjeldsen, H., and 5 more
2023, MNRAS, 520, 216 [ DOI | ADS ]

Relation between metallicities and spectral energy distributions of Herbig Ae/Be stars. A potential link with planet formation
Guzmán-Díaz, J., Montesinos, B., Mendigutía, I., Kama, M., Meeus, G., and 3 more
2023, A&A, 671, A140 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Survey of Herbig Ae/Be Multiplicity
Thomas, S. J., Rodgers, B., van der Bliek, N. S., Doppmann, G., Bouvier, J., and 3 more
2023, AJ, 165, 135 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp Si Stars in the Far UV-Paper IV: HD 133029
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 61 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp Si Stars in the far-UV-Paper III: HD 112413
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 58 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of Bp He-weak Stars in the Far UV-Paper 2: HD 125823
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 49 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of BpSi Stars in the Far UV-Paper II: HD 9996 (HR 465)
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 46 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of BpSi Stars in the Far UV-Paper I: HD 22920
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 40 [ DOI | ADS ]

New Determinations of the Surface Abundances of HD 1909: Paper II: From Calcium to Mercury
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 37 [ DOI | ADS ]

Diffusion velocity of metals in Ap star atmospheres: the effect of ambipolar diffusion of H
Alecian, G.
2023, MNRAS, 519, 5913 [ DOI | ADS ]

An Ap Star Catalog Based on LAMOST DR9
Shi, F., Zhang, H., Fu, J., Kurtz, D., Xiang, M.
2023, ApJ, 943, 147 [ DOI | ADS ]

Herbig Stars
Brittain, S. D., Kamp, I., Meeus, G., Oudmaijer, R. D., Waters, L. B. F. M.
2023, SSRv, 219, 7 [ DOI | ADS ]

NEOWISE Variability of the New Gaia Herbig Ae/Be and Classical Be Stars-Variability Sample and Statistical Analysis
Mei, Y., Song, S.-M., Liu, J.-T., Hyland, L. J., Chen, Xi
2023, ApJS, 264, 38 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 213258: A new rapidly oscillating, super slowly rotating, strongly magnetic Ap star in a spectroscopic binary
Mathys, G., Khalack, V., Kobzar, O., LeBlanc, F., North, P. L.
2023, A&A, 670, A72 [ DOI | ADS ]

A dichotomy in group II Herbig disks. ALMA gas disk height measurements show both shadowed large vertically extended disks and compact flat disks
Stapper, L. M., Hogerheijde, M. R., van Dishoeck, E. F., Paneque-Carreño, T.
2023, A&A, 669, A158 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of He-weak in the Far-UV-Paper I: HD 5737
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 32 [ DOI | ADS ]

New Determinations of the Surface Abundances of HD 1909: Paper I: The Light Elements (from Helium to Sulfur)
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 30 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 27: HD 1909
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 16 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 26: HD 207857
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 14 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 25: HD 77350
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 11 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Abundances of Carbon, Sulfur, Scandium, Titanium, Manganese, Iron, Gallium and Strontium in the Atmosphere of HD144844
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 10 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Abundances of Helium, Magnesium and Phosphorus in the Atmosphere of HD144844
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 4 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 24: HD 159975 (μ Oph)
Monier, R.
2023, RNAAS, 7, 3 [ DOI | ADS ]

Unusual Changes in the Spectrum of AE Herbig Star HD 179218
Adigozalzade, H. N., Bashirova, U. Z., Ismailov, N. Z.
2022, AzAJ, 17, 109 [ ADS ]

Circumstellar Disks of a Group of the Aebe Herbig Type Stars
Ismailov, N. Z., Valiyev, U. Z., Dzhalilov, N. S.
2022, AzAJ, 17, 40 [ ADS ]

Photometric Properties and Stellar Parameters of the Rapidly Rotating Magnetic Early-B Star HD 345439
Shen, D.-X., Liu, J.-Z., Zhu, C.-H., Lü, G.-L., Zhang, Y., and 6 more
2023, RAA, 23, 015002 [ DOI | ADS ]

Chemically peculiar stars in integrated light stellar population models and local group galaxies
Worthey, G., Shi, X.
2023, MNRAS, 518, 4106 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS uncloaks the secondaries in hydrogen-deficient binaries
Jeffery, C. S.
2023, MNRAS, 518, L75 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Population of Isolated, Intermediate-mass Young Stellar Objects
Kuhn, M. A., Saber, R., Povich, M. S., de Souza, R. S., Krone-Martins, A., and 7 more
2023, AJ, 165, 3 [ DOI | ADS ]


Long-term Photometric Study of the Pre-main Sequence Star V1180 Cas
Mutafov, A., Semkov, E., Peneva, S., Ibryamov, S.
2022, RAA, 22, 125014 [ DOI | ADS ]

Internal rotation and buoyancy travel time of 60 γ Doradus stars from uninterrupted TESS light curves spanning 352 days
Garcia, S., Van Reeth, T., De Ridder, J., Aerts, C.
2022, A&A, 668, A137 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 60431, the CP2 star with the shortest rotational period. Physical parameters and period analysis
Mikulášek, Z., Semenko, E., Paunzen, E., Hümmerich, S., North, P. L., and 3 more
2022, A&A, 668, A159 [ DOI | ADS ]

Emission line star catalogues post-Gaia DR3. A validation of Gaia DR3 data using the LAMOST OBA emission catalogue
Shridharan, B., Mathew, B., Bhattacharyya, S., Robin, T., Arun, R., and 7 more
2022, A&A, 668, A156 [ DOI | ADS ]

Modelling of the scandium abundance evolution in AmFm stars
Hui-Bon-Hoa, A., Alecian, G., LeBlanc, F.
2022, A&A, 668, A6 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Small Separation A-star Companion Population: First Results with CHARA/MIRC-X
De Furio, M., Gardner, T., Monnier, J., Meyer, M. R., Kratter, K., and 7 more
2022, ApJ, 941, 118 [ DOI | ADS ]

Chemically Peculiar Stars in the Open Cluster Stock 2
Casamiquela, L., Gebran, M., Agüeros, M. A., Bouy, H., Soubiran, C.
2022, AJ, 164, 255 [ DOI | ADS ]

Testing a scaling relation between coherent radio emission and physical parameters of hot magnetic stars
Das, B., Chandra, P., Shultz, M. E., Leto, P., Mikulášek, Z., and 2 more
2022, MNRAS, 517, 5756 [ DOI | ADS ]

Analysis of eight magnetic chemically peculiar stars with rotational modulation
Kobzar, O., Khalack, V., Bohlender, D., Mathys, G., Shultz, M. E., and 7 more
2022, MNRAS, 517, 5340 [ DOI | ADS ]

Sustained FU Orionis-type outbursts from colliding discs in stellar flybys
Borchert, E. M. A., Price, D. J., Pinte, C., Cuello, N.
2022, MNRAS, 517, 4436 [ DOI | ADS ]

Searching for shell stars in LAMOST DR4 by probing the Fe 42 multiplet lines
Hümmerich, S., Paunzen, E., Bernhard, K.
2022, MNRAS, 517, 4229 [ DOI | ADS ]

The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution: IV. Grids of models at Solar, LMC, and SMC metallicities
Keszthelyi, Z., de Koter, A., Götberg, Y., Meynet, G., Brands, S. A., and 10 more
2022, MNRAS, 517, 2028 [ DOI | ADS ]

The detection of magnetic chemically peculiar stars using Gaia BP/RP spectra
Paunzen, E., Prišegen, M.
2022, A&A, 667, L10 [ DOI | ADS ]

The spins of stripped B stars support magnetic internal angular momentum transport
Schürmann, C., Langer, N., Xu, X., Wang, C.
2022, A&A, 667, A122 [ DOI | ADS ]

KIC 6951642: A confirmed Kepler γ Doradus – δ Scuti star with intermediate to fast rotation in a possible single-lined binary system
Samadi-Ghadim, A., Lampens, P., Gizon, L.
2022, A&A, 667, A60 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 22: HD 37752
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 276 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 23: HD 144844
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 273 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 21: HD 29589
Monier, Richard
2022, RNAAS, 6, 267 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 20: HD 14228
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 256 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 19: HD 149121
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 249 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Aluminum Abundance of HD 209459 from Far Ultraviolet and Optical Spectra
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 245 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Mercury Lines in the Mean Far Ultraviolet Spectrum of HD 209459
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 238 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 18: HD 209459
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 230 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 17: HD 35548A
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 224 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 16: HD 174933
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 218 [ DOI | ADS ]

Updated Orbit and Observations of Spectroscopic Binary HD 2019
Fowler, C., Pluff, J., Thomas, J.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 211 [ DOI | ADS ]

New Surface Abundances for HD 216494 (74 Aqr)
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 208 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 15: HD 216494
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 203 [ DOI | ADS ]

Studies of FCAPT UVBY photometry for the mCP stars HD 32966, HD 35298, HD 68292, HD 93226, HD 171247, HD 217833, HD 220147, and HD 223358
Wittman, T., Dukes, R. J., Adelman, S. J.
2022, AN, 343, easna.20220040 [ DOI | ADS ]

Probable nature of HD 196821: Is the star a cool HgMn?
Çalışkan, Ş., Ünal, K., Özuyar, D., Kılıçoǧlu, T., Elmaslı, A., and 2 more
2022, AN, 343, easna.20220020 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Directly Imaged Exoplanet Host Star 51 Eridani is a Gamma Doradus Pulsator
Sepulveda, A. G., Huber, D., Zhang, Z., Li, G., Liu, M. C., and 1 more
2022, ApJ, 938, 49 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Initial Magnetic Field Distribution in AB Stars
Farrell, E., Jermyn, A. S., Cantiello, M., Foreman-Mackey, D.
2022, ApJ, 938, 10 [ DOI | ADS ]

KIC 3440495: A Rapidly Rotating δ Scuti-γ Doradus Hybrid Pulsator in a Binary System
Ma, S., Esamdin, A., Hernández, A. G., Murphy, S. J., Lv, C., and 9 more
2022, ApJ, 937, 80 [ DOI | ADS ]

A decade-long magnetic monitoring of Vega
Petit, P., Böhm, T., Folsom, C. P., Lignières, F., Cang, T.
2022, A&A, 666, A20 [ DOI | ADS ]

Study of Chemically Peculiar Stars-III: High-resolution Spectroscopy and K2 Photometry of New Variables in the Region of M44
Joshi, S., Trust, O., Williams, E. P., Semenko, E., De Cat, P., and 4 more
2022, ssaa, None, 6 [ DOI | ADS ]

Results of Magnetic Field Measurements with the 6-m BTA Telescope. VIII. Observations in 2014
Romanyuk, I. I., Moiseeva, A. V., Semenko, E. A., Yakunin, I. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O.
2022, AstBu, 77, 271 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotation of hot normal, peculiar and Be stars from space photometry
Balona, L. A.
2022, MNRAS, 516, 3641 [ DOI | ADS ]

Trumpler 16-26: a new centrifugal magnetosphere star discovered via SDSS/APOGEE H-band spectroscopy
Chojnowski, S. D., Hubrig, S., Labadie-Bartz, J., Rivinius, T., Schöller, M., and 4 more
2022, MNRAS, 516, 2812 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic field measurements of sharp-lined Ap stars
Järvinen, S. P., Hubrig, S., Jayaraman, R., Ilyin, I., Schöller, M.
2022, MNRAS, 516, 2629 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectroscopic analysis of BPS CS 22940-0009: connecting evolved helium stars
Snowdon, E. J., Scott, L. J. A., Jeffery, C. S., Woolf, V. M.
2022, MNRAS, 516, 794 [ DOI | ADS ]

Reproduction package for the paper “The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution: IV. Grids of models at Solar, LMC, and SMC metallicities”
Keszthelyi, Z.
2022, zndo, 70, 7069766 [ DOI | ADS ]

Characterising the orbit and circumstellar environment of the high-mass binary MWC 166 A
Zarrilli, S. A., Kraus, S., Kreplin, A., Monnier, J. D., Gardner, T., and 11 more
2022, A&A, 665, A146 [ DOI | ADS ]

Identification and Parameter Determination of F-type Herbig Stars from LAMOST DR8
Zhang, Y.-J., Luo, A. -L., Jiang, B., Hou, W., Zuo, F., and 3 more
2022, ApJ, 936, 151 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectroscopic study of five SB1 stars with CP components
Catanzaro, G., Colombo, C., Ferrara, C., Giarrusso, M.
2022, MNRAS, 515, 4350 [ DOI | ADS ]

The evolutionary state of the chemically peculiar members of the open cluster NGC 2516
Kharchenko, N. V., Piskunov, A. E., Hubrig, S., Schöller, M.
2022, MNRAS, 515, 3094 [ DOI | ADS ]

Four bright eclipsing binaries with γ Doradus pulsating components: CM Lac, MZ Lac, RX Dra, and V2077 Cyg
Southworth, J., Van Reeth, T.
2022, MNRAS, 515, 2755 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectropolarimetry of magnetic Chemically Peculiar stars in the Orion OB1 association
Semenko, E., Romanyuk, I., Yakunin, I., Kudryavtsev, D., Moiseeva, A.
2022, MNRAS, 515, 998 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV -Paper 14: HD 179761
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 199 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn stars in the far-UV -Paper 13: HD 182308 and HD 190229
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 193 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Silicon Lines in the Far Ultraviolet Spectrum of HD 172883
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 190 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 12: HD 172883
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 178 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 11: HD 53929 and HD 172044
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 170 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 10: HD 174933A and HD 35548A
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 167 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 9: HD 21933
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 154 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-Paper 8: HR 7775
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 143 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of the Bp Star 36 Lynxis in the Far-UV
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 134 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV-Paper 7: HR 6000
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 132 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far-UV -6: κ Cnc
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 126 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV -5: υ Her
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 119 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Platinum Abundance of ι CrB A
Monier, Richard
2022, RNAAS, 6, 110 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV -4: ι CrB A
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 105 [ DOI | ADS ]

Seismic modelling of the pulsating mercury-manganese star HD 29589
Niemczura, E., Walczak, P., Mikołajczyk, P., Schöller, M., Hummel, C. A., and 2 more
2022, MNRAS, 514, 5640 [ DOI | ADS ]

Asteroseismology of the dip structure in period-spacings of rapidly rotating γ Doradus stars caused by the coupling between core and envelope oscillations
Tokuno, T., Takata, M.
2022, MNRAS, 514, 4140 [ DOI | ADS ]

Twenty-year monitoring of the surface magnetic fields of chemically peculiar stars
Giarrusso, M., Cecconi, M., Cosentino, R., Munari, M., Ghedina, A., and 3 more
2022, MNRAS, 514, 3485 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Magnetic Field of the Stripped Primary in the υ Sgr System, a Member of the Rare Class of Hydrogen-deficient Binaries
Hubrig, S., Järvinen, S. P., Ilyin, I., Schöller, M.
2022, ApJ, 933, 27 [ DOI | ADS ]

The near-core rotation of HD 112429. A γ Doradus star with TESS photometry and legacy spectroscopy
Van Reeth, T., De Cat, P., Van Beeck, J., Prat, V., Wright, D. J., and 6 more
2022, A&A, 662, A58 [ DOI | ADS ]

A newly discovered southern HgMn star: HD 4065A
Monier, R., Niemczura, E.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 99 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV-3: 53 Tau and HD 35548
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 93 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV -2: μ Leporis
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 88 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV -1: χ Lupi
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 86 [ DOI | ADS ]

Identification and Spectroscopic Characterization of 128 New Herbig Stars
Vioque, M., Oudmaijer, R. D., Wichittanakom, C., Mendigutía, I., Baines, D., and 4 more
2022, ApJ, 930, 39 [ DOI | ADS ]

Direct Observation of the Radial Magnetic Field Gradient in HD 58260 from Spectropolarimetry of NLTE Lines in Emission
Giarrusso, M.
2022, ApJ, 925, 2 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photospheric silicon abundances of upper main-sequence stars derived from Si II 6347/6371 doublet lines
Takeda, Y.
2022, CoSka, 52, 5 [ DOI | ADS ]

Detecting deep axisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields in stars. The traditional approximation of rotation for differentially rotating deep spherical shells with a general azimuthal magnetic field
Dhouib, H., Mathis, S., Bugnet, L., Van Reeth, T., Aerts, C.
2022, A&A, 661, A133 [ DOI | ADS ]

Testing the accretion scenario of λ Boo stars
Alacoria, J., Saffe, C., Jaque Arancibia, M., Angeloni, R., Miquelarena, P., and 3 more
2022, A&A, 660, A98 [ DOI | ADS ]

Long-period Ap stars discovered with TESS data: The northern ecliptic hemisphere
Mathys, G., Kurtz, D. W., Holdsworth, D. L.
2022, A&A, 660, A70 [ DOI | ADS ]

Zeeman Doppler mapping revisited: Force-free fields, regularisation functions, and abundance maps
Stift, M. J., Leone, F.
2022, A&A, 659, A33 [ DOI | ADS ]

Dynamics of magnetic flux tubes in accretion disks of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Khaibrakhmanov, S. A., Dudorov, A. E.
2022, OAst, 31, 125 [ DOI | ADS ]

Asteroseismic inference of the near-core magnetic field strength in the main-sequence B star HD 43317
Lecoanet, D., Bowman, D. M., Van Reeth, T.
2022, MNRAS, 512, L16 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Catalog of Early-type Hα Emission-line Stars and 62 Newly Confirmed Herbig Ae/Be Stars from LAMOST Data Release 7
Zhang, Y.-J., Hou, W., Luo, A.-Li, Li, S., Qin, L., and 4 more
2022, ApJS, 259, 38 [ DOI | ADS ]

Nine Bright γ Doradus Variables Discovered with Ground-based Photometry Henry, G. W., Fekel, F. C., Williamson, M. H.
2022, AJ, 163, 180 [ DOI | ADS ]

The near-core rotation of HD 112429: a gamma Doradus star with TESS photometry and legacy spectroscopy
Van Reeth, T., De Cat, P., Van Beeck, J., Prat, V., Wright, D. J., and 6 more
2022, arXiv220311071V, None, arXiv:2203.11071 [ ADS ]

The Line Variability of 78 Vir (A2p SrCrEu) in the Far-ultraviolet
Monier, R.
2022, RNAAS, 6, 48 [ DOI | ADS ]

Study of chemically peculiar stars – I. High-resolution spectroscopy and K2 photometry of Am stars in the region of M44
Joshi, S., Trust, O., Semenko, E., Williams, P. E., Lampens, P., and 28 more
2022, MNRAS, 510, 5854 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic field topology, chemical spot distributions, and photometric variability of the Ap star φ Draconis
Kochukhov, O., Papakonstantinou, N., Neiner, C.
2022, MNRAS, 510, 5821 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rapidly oscillating TESS A-F main-sequence stars: are the roAp stars a distinct class?
Balona, L. A.
2022, MNRAS, 510, 5743 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photometric signatures of corotating magnetospheres of hot stars governed by higher-order magnetic multipoles
Krtička, J., Mikulášek, Z., Kurfürst, P., Oksala, M. E.
2022, A&A, 659, A37 [ DOI | ADS ]

The mass and size of Herbig disks as seen by ALMA
Stapper, L. M., Hogerheijde, M. R., van Dishoeck, E. F., Mentel, R.
2022, A&A, 658, A112 [ DOI | ADS ]

Improved hydrodynamic pulsation models for the pulsating extreme helium star V652 Herculis
Jeffery, C. S., Montañés-Rodríguez, P., Saio, H.
2022, MNRAS, 509, 1940 [ DOI | ADS ]


Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper 7: Delta Scuti, Gamma Doradus, and tidally-perturbed pulsations in RR Lyncis
Southworth, J.
2021, Obs, 141, 282 [ ADS ]

A case study of ACV variables discovered in the Zwicky Transient Facility survey
Faltová, N., Kallová, K., Prišegen, M., Staněk, P., Supíková, J., and 4 more
2021, A&A, 656, A125 [ DOI | ADS ]

Fundamental parameters of the Ap-stars GO And, 84 UMa, and κ Psc
Romanovskaya, A. M., Shulyak, D. V., Ryabchikova, T. A., Sitnova, T. M.>
2021, A&A, 655, A106 [ DOI | ADS ]

TIC 308396022: δ Scuti-γ Doradus hybrid with large-amplitude radial fundamental mode and regular g-mode period spacing
Yang, T.-Z., Zuo, Z.-Y., Li, G., Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., and 1 more
2021, A&A, 655, A63 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Distribution of Silicon and Magnesium over the Surface of 21 Com
Monier, R.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 261 [ DOI | ADS ]

New Spectropolarimetric Measurements of HD 144941
Przybilla, N., Fossati, L., Jeffery, C. S.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 254 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Rapid Far-ultraviolet Variability of ET And and Its Rotational Period
Monier, R., Lampens, P.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 251 [ DOI | ADS ]

Erratum: Discovery of multiple p-mode pulsation frequencies in the roAp star, HD 86181
Shi, F., Kurtz, D. W., Holdsworth, D. L., Saio, H., Cunha, M. S., and 3 more
2021, MNRAS, 508, 827 [ DOI | ADS ]

The rapidly oscillating Ap star γ Equ: linear polarization as an enhanced pulsation diagnostic?
Hubrig, S., Järvinen, S. P., Ilyin, I., Strassmeier, K. G., Schöller, M.
2021, MNRAS, 508, L17 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic Fields in O, B, and A Stars
Hubrig, S., Schöller, M.
2021, Magnetic Fields in O, B, and A Stars. ISBN: 978-0-7503-2390-1. IOP ebooks. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing [ DOI | ADS ]

Échelle spectroscopy of the chemically peculiar star θ1 Ori F
Costero, R., Allen, C., Ruelas-Mayorga, A., Sánchez, L., Ramírez Vélez, J., and 2 more
2021, MNRAS, 507, 3400 [ DOI | ADS ]

A scaling relationship for non-thermal radio emission from ordered magnetospheres: from the top of the main sequence to planets
Leto, P., Trigilio, C., Krtička, J., Fossati, L., Ignace, R., and 18 more
2021, MNRAS, 507, 1979 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectroscopic frequency and mode identification of γ Doradus stars HD 109799 and HD 103257
Shutt, T. R., Brunsden, E., Pollard, K. R.
2021, MNRAS, 507, 1149 [ DOI | ADS ]

Clustering of low-mass stars around Herbig Be star IL Cep – evidence of ‘Rocket Effect’ using Gaia EDR3 ?
Arun, R., Mathew, B., Maheswar, G., Baug, T., Kartha, S. S., and 5 more
2021, MNRAS, 507, 267 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery of multiple p-mode pulsation frequencies in the roAp star, HD 86181
Shi, F., Kurtz, D. W., Holdsworth, D. L., Saio, H., Cunha, M. S., and 3 more
2021, MNRAS, 506, 5629 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS survey of rotational and pulsational variability of mercury-manganese stars
Kochukhov, O., Khalack, V., Kobzar, O., Neiner, C., Paunzen, E., and 2 more
2021, MNRAS, 506, 5328 [ DOI | ADS ]

Polarization Measurements of Selected Young Stars with Circumstellar Dusty Disks
Parthasarathy, M., Jain, S. K.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 212 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Mean Overabundance of Manganese over the Surface of 21 Com from its Midultraviolet Spectra Recorded by IUE
Monier, R.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 203 [ DOI | ADS ]

Understanding the Angular Momentum Evolution of T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Pinzón, G., Hernández, J., Serna, J., García, A., Manzo-Martínez, E., and 6 more
2021, AJ, 162, 90 [ DOI | ADS ]

New magnetic chemically peculiar stars and candidates in the ATLAS first catalogue of variable stars
Bernhard, K., Hümmerich, S., Paunzen, E., Supíková, J.
2021, MNRAS, 506, 4561 [ DOI | ADS ]

Confirmation of ξ1 CMa’s ultra-slow rotation: magnetic polarity reversal and a dramatic change in magnetospheric UV emission lines
Erba, C., Shultz, M. E., Petit, V., Fullerton, A. W., Henrichs, H. F., and 3 more
2021, MNRAS, 506, 2296 [ DOI | ADS ]

New eclipsing binaries with mercury-manganese stars
Kochukhov, O., Labadie-Bartz, J., Khalack, V., Shultz, M. E.
2021, MNRAS, 506, L40 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS cycle 1 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data
Holdsworth, D. L., Cunha, M. S., Kurtz, D. W., Antoci, V., Hey, D. R., and 39 more
2021, MNRAS, 506, 1073 [ DOI | ADS ]

Light Curve Changes and Possible Precession in mCP Stars
Pyper, D. M., Adelman, S. J.
2021, PASP, 133, 084203 [ DOI | ADS ]

What happened before?. Disks around the precursors of young Herbig Ae/Be stars
Valegård, P. -G., Waters, L. B. F. M., Dominik, C.
2021, A&A, 652, A133 [ DOI | ADS ]

K-band GRAVITY/VLTI interferometry of “extreme” Herbig Be stars. The size-luminosity relation revisited
Marcos-Arenal, P., Mendigutía, I., Koumpia, E., Oudmaijer, R. D., Vioque, M., and 5 more
2021, A&A, 652, A68 [ DOI | ADS ]

Catalog of averaged magnetic phase curves of stars. Second edition
Bychkov, V. D., Bychkova, L. V., Madej, J.
2021, A&A, 652, A31 [ DOI | ADS ]

Evidence for a Transient Emission Feature at 1524 Å in the Far Ultraviolet Spectrum of 21 Com
Monier, R.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 193 [ DOI | ADS ]

The 1991 24 hr Ultraviolet Monitoring of 21 Com with IUE
Monier, R.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 179 [ DOI | ADS ]

Absence of Rapid Line Variations in Consecutive FEROS and NARVAL Spectra of Maia
Monier, R.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 163 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotational Velocities of Am and Non-chemical-peculiar Stars Based on Kepler and LAMOST DR5
Qin, Li, Luo, A. -Li, Hou, Wen, Li, Yin-Bi, Cui, Kai-Ming, and 7 more
2021, AJ, 162, 32 [ DOI | ADS ]

Super-Fast Line-Profile Variability in the Spectra of OBA Stars. IV: ζ Ori A
Kholtygin, A. F., Moiseeva, A. V., Kurdoyakova, M. S., Yakunin, I. A., Kostenkov, A. E., and 1 more
2021, AstBu, 76, 185 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic Fields of CP Stars in the Orion OB1 Association. V. Stars of Subgroups (c) and (d)
Romanyuk, I. I., Semenko, E. A., Moiseeva, A. V., Yakunin, I. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O.
2021, AstBu, 76, 163 [ DOI | ADS ]

High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy of Diffuse Sources around MWC 1080
Kim, I.-J., Oh, H., Jeong, W.-S., Seon, K.-I., Pyo, T.-S., and 1 more
2021, AJ, 162, 24 [ DOI | ADS ]

Fundamental properties of a selected sample of Ap stars: Inferences from interferometric and asteroseismic constraints
Deal, M., Cunha, M. S., Keszthelyi, Z., Perraut, K., Holdsworth, D. L.
2021, A&A, 650, A125 [ DOI | ADS ]

Helium diffusion in magnetic stellar atmospheres of early B-type stars
Panei, J. A., Vallverdú, R. E., Cidale, L. S.
2021, A&A, 650, A92 [ DOI | ADS ]

Constraining stellar evolution theory with asteroseismology of γ Doradus stars using deep learning. Stellar masses, ages, and core-boundary mixing
Mombarg, J. S. G., Van Reeth, T., Aerts, C.
2021, A&A, 650, A58 [ DOI | ADS ]

HERMES spectroscopy of normal A and Am stars
Trust, O., Jurua, E., De Cat, P., Joshi, S., Lampens, P.
2021, MNRAS, 504, 5528 [ DOI | ADS ]

MOBSTER – V. Discovery of a magnetic companion star to the magnetic β Cep pulsator HD 156424
Shultz, M. E., Rivinius, Th, Wade, G. A., Kochukhov, O., Alecian, E., and 2 more
2021, MNRAS, 504, 4850 [ DOI | ADS ]

MOBSTER – IV. Detection of a new magnetic B-type star from follow-up spectropolarimetric observations of photometrically selected candidates★
David-Uraz, A., Shultz, M. E., Petit, V., Bowman, D. M., Erba, C., and 6 more
2021, MNRAS, 504, 4841 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic chemically peculiar stars investigated by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager
Paunzen, E., Supíková, J., Bernhard, K., Hümmerich, S., Prišegen, M.
2021, MNRAS, 504, 3758 [ DOI | ADS ]

V680 Mon – a young mercury-manganese star in an eclipsing heartbeat system
Paunzen, E., Hümmerich, S., Fedurco, M., Bernhard, K., Komžík, R., and 1 more
2021, MNRAS, 504, 3749 [ DOI | ADS ]

NGC 6611 601: a hot pre-main-sequence spectroscopic binary containing a centrifugal magnetosphere host star
Shultz, M. E., Alecian, E., Petit, V., Bagnulo, S., Böhm, T., and 3 more
2021, MNRAS, 504, 3203 [ DOI | ADS ]

The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution – III. The case of τ Sco
Keszthelyi, Z., Meynet, G., Martins, F., de Koter, A., David-Uraz, A.
2021, MNRAS, 504, 2474 [ DOI | ADS ]

3D distribution models of Ca, Cr, and Fe in a magnetic CP star atmosphere with anisotropic wind
Alecian, G., Stift, M. J.
2021, MNRAS, 504, 1370 [ DOI | ADS ]

Photometric observations of NGC 281: detection of 228 variable stars
Lata, S., Pandey, A. K., Pandey, J. C., Panwar, N., Paul, P.
2021, MNRAS, 504, 101 [ DOI | ADS ]

A CO-to-H2 Ratio of ≍10-5 toward the Herbig Ae Star HK Ori
Cauley, P. W., France, K., Herzceg, G. J., Johns-Krull, C. M.
2021, AJ, 161, 217 [ DOI | ADS ]

The roAp stars observed by the Kepler Space Telescope
Holdsworth, D. L.
2021, FrASS, 8, 31 [ DOI | ADS ]

Eclipsing Systems with Pulsating Components (Types β Cep, δ Sct, γ Dor or Red Giant) in the Era of High-Accuracy Space Data
Lampens, P.
2021, Galax, 9, 28 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectral study of V565 Mon: probable FU Ori-like or chemically peculiar star
Andreasyan, H.
2021, RAA, 21, 064 [ DOI | ADS ]

Investigation of the shortest period Am type eclipsing binary TYC 6408-989-1
Tian, X.-M.
2021, RAA, 21, 062 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Surface Abundances of Maia Revisited
Monier, R., Khalack, V.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 104 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Rapid Far-ultraviolet Variability of Maia Recorded by IUE
Monier, R.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 81 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotation of the convective core in γ Dor stars measured by dips in period spacings of g modes coupled with inertial modes
Saio, H., Takata, M., Lee, U., Li, G., Van Reeth, T.
2021, MNRAS, 502, 5856 [ DOI | ADS ]

A circular polarization survey for radio stars with the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Pritchard, J., Murphy, T., Zic, A., Lynch, C., Heald, G., and 12 more
2021, MNRAS, 502, 5438 [ DOI | ADS ]

τ9 Eri: a bright pulsating magnetic Bp star in a 5.95-d double-lined spectroscopic binary
Woodcock, K., Wade, G. A., Kochukhov, O., Sikora, J., Pigulski, A.
2021, MNRAS, 502, 5200 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery of new mercury-manganese stars, including a fast rotator
González, J. F., Nuñez, N. E., Saffe, C., Alejo, A. D., Veramendi, M. E., and 1 more
2021, MNRAS, 502, 3670 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Abundance of Phosphorus in the HgMn Star 14 Sge
Monier, R., Khalack, V., Ivanyuk, O.
2021, RNAAS, 5, 54 [ DOI | ADS ]

Accretion and Magnetic Fields of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Kholtygin, A. F., Tsiopa, O. A., Doronina, Ya. A., Tumanova, I. M., Ryspaeva, E. B., and 1 more
2021, Ap, 64, 54 [ DOI | ADS ]

Modeling of magneto-rotational stellar evolution. I. Method and first applications
Takahashi, K., Langer, N.
2021, A&A, 646, A19 [ DOI | ADS ]

New mercury-manganese stars and candidates from LAMOST DR4
Paunzen, E., Hümmerich, S., Bernhard, K.
2021, A&A, 645, A34 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the recent detection of new oscillations in rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 137949 – Final result
Ofodum, C. N., Okeke, P. N., Okere, B. I.
2021, NewA, 84, 101537 [ DOI | ADS ]

ELT Imaging of MWC 297 from the 23 m LBTI: Complex Disk Structure and a Companion Candidate
Sallum, S., Eisner, J. A., Stone, J. M., Dietrich, J., Hinz, P., and 1 more
2021, AJ, 161, 28 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery of an M-type companion to the Herbig Ae Star V1787 Ori
Arun, R., Mathew, Blesson, Rengaswamy, Sridharan, Manoj, P., Narang, Mayank, and 2 more
2021, MNRAS, 501, 1243 [ DOI | ADS ]

V772 Cas: an ellipsoidal HgMn star in an eclipsing binary
Kochukhov, O., Johnston, C., Labadie-Bartz, J., Shetye, S., Ryabchikova, T. A., and 2 more
2021, MNRAS, 500, 2577 [ DOI | ADS ]

High-resolution spectroscopy of the hot Am star HR 3383
Wahlgren, G. M., Nielsen, K. E., Leckrone, D. S.
2021, MNRAS, 500, 2451 [ DOI | ADS ]

The complex fossil magnetic field of the δ Scuti star HD 41641
Thomson-Paressant, K., Neiner, C., Zwintz, K., Escorza, A.
2021, MNRAS, 500, 1992 [ DOI | ADS ]


Evidence for Twice-ionized Praseodymium and Neodymium in the Upper Atmosphere of HD 99803 A
Monier, R., Niemczura, E., Kılıçoğlu, T.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 234 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the Abundances of Lanthanides in HgMn Stars
Monier, R.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 202 [ DOI | ADS ]

Evidence That HR 6990 Is a Spectroscopic Binary Hosting a Chemically Peculiar Late B-type star
Monier, R.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 192 [ DOI | ADS ]

Inferring the internal structure of γ Doradus variables from Rossby modes. Extension of the ν – √∆ν diagram
Takata, M., Ouazzani, R. -M., Saio, H., Christophe, S., Ballot, J., and 2 more
2020, A&A, 644, A138 [ DOI | ADS ]

β Cas: The first δ Scuti star with a dynamo magnetic field⋆
Zwintz, K., Neiner, C., Kochukhov, O., Ryabchikova, T., Pigulski, A., and 8 more
2020, A&A, 643, A110 [ DOI | ADS ]

New BRITE-Constellation observations of the roAp star α Cir
Weiss, W. W., Fröhlich, H. -E., Kallinger, T., Kuschnig, R., Popowicz, A., and 9 more
2020, A&A, 642, A64 [ DOI | ADS ]

The magnetic early B-type stars – IV. Breakout or leakage? H α emission as a diagnostic of plasma transport in centrifugal magnetospheres
Shultz, M. E., Owocki, S., Rivinius, Th, Wade, G. A., Neiner, C., and 13 more
2020, MNRAS, 499, 5379 [ DOI | ADS ]

High-amplitude γ Doradus variables
Paunzen, E., Bernhard, K., Hümmerich, S., Hambsch, F.-J., Lloyd, C., and 1 more
2020, MNRAS, 499, 3976 [ DOI | ADS ]

Evidence of vertical abundance stratification in the SB1 star HD 161660: a new HgMn
Catanzaro, G., Giarrusso, M., Munari, M., Leone, F.
2020, MNRAS, 499, 3720 [ DOI | ADS ]

The anomalous atmospheric structure of the strongly magnetic Ap star HD 166473
Järvinen, S. P., Hubrig, S., Mathys, G., Khalack, V., Ilyin, I., and 1 more
2020, MNRAS, 499, 2734 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the rotational velocity of Sirius A
Takeda, Y.
2020, MNRAS, 499, 1126 [ DOI | ADS ]

Results of Magnetic-Field Measurements with the 6-m Telescope. VI. Observations in 2012
Romanyuk, I. I., Moiseeva, A. V., Semenko, E. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O., Yakunin, I. A.
2020, AstBu, 75, 294 [ DOI | ADS ]

Superfast Line Profile Variations in the Spectra of OBA Stars. III. A0 Star α2 Cvn, New Results
Kholtygin, A. F., Moiseeva, A. V., Yakunin, I. A., Hubrig, S.
2020, AstBu, 75, 284 [ DOI | ADS ]

Super-Fast Line-Profile Variability in the Spectra of OBA Stars. II. A0 Star α2 CVn
Kholtygin, A. F., Batrakov, A. A., Fabrika, S. N., Valeev, A. F., Kostenkov, A. E., and 1 more
2020, AstBu, 75, 278 [ DOI | ADS ]

Four New γ Doradus Variables in Eclipsing Binaries: Revised Pulsation Period Relations
Özdarcan, O., Çakirli, Ö.
2020, RMxAA, 56, 321 [ DOI | ADS ]

γ Dor: A Pulsating Component of KIC 8043961 in a Stellar Triple System
Kamil, C., Dal, H. A., Özdarcan, O., Yoldaș, E.
2020, RMxAA, 56, 179 [ DOI | ADS ]

SALT HRS Capabilities for Time Resolved Pulsation Analysis: A Test with the roAp Star α Circini
Holdsworth, D. L., Brunsden, E.
2020, PASP, 132, 105001 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the first δ Sct-roAp hybrid pulsator and the stability of p and g modes in chemically peculiar A/F stars
Murphy, S. J., Saio, H., Takada-Hidai, M., Kurtz, D. W., Shibahashi, H., and 2 more
2020, MNRAS, 498, 4272 [ DOI | ADS ]

Low-level Carbon Monoxide Line Polarization in Two Protoplanetary Disks: HD 142527 and IM Lup
Stephens, I. W., Fernández-López, M., Li, Z.-Y., Looney, L. W., Teague, R.
2020, ApJ, 901, 71 [ DOI | ADS ]

KELT-17: a chemically peculiar Am star and a hot-Jupiter planet
Saffe, C., Miquelarena, P., Alacoria, J., González, J. F., Flores, M., and 4 more
2020, A&A, 641, A145 [ DOI | ADS ]

Secular Stability of the Magnetic Structures of Magnetic Stars. II
Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
2020, Ap, 63, 376 [ DOI | ADS ]

Search for Ultrafast Variability of Line Profiles in the Spectrum of ∊ Per A
Kholtygin, A. F., Puzin, V. B., Sokolov, I. V., Karataeva, G. M.
2020, Ap, 63, 356 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Origin of the Bimodal Distribution of Magnetic Fields in Early-type Stars
Jermyn, A. S., Cantiello, M.
2020, ApJ, 900, 113 [ DOI | ADS ]

Near-infrared time-series photometry in the field of Cygnus OB2 association. II. Mapping the variability of candidate members
Roquette, J., Alencar, S. H. P., Bouvier, J., Guarcello, M. G., Reipurth, B.
2020, A&A, 640, A128 [ DOI | ADS ]

An improved parametric method for evaluating radiative accelerations in stellar interiors
Alecian, G., LeBlanc, F.
2020, MNRAS, 498, 3420 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotational modulation and single g-mode pulsation in the B9pSi star HD 174356?
Mikulášek, Z., Paunzen, E., Hümmerich, S., Niemczura, E., Walczak, P., and 17 more
2020, MNRAS, 498, 548 [ DOI | ADS ]

The effect of tides on near-core rotation: analysis of 35 Kepler γ Doradus stars in eclipsing and spectroscopic binaries
Li, G., Guo, Z., Fuller, J., Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., and 2 more
2020, MNRAS, 497, 4363 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Advanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Abundance Analysis of the Chemically Peculiar Star HR 465
Nielsen, K. E., Carpenter, K. G., Kober, G. V., Wahlgren, G. M.
2020, ApJ, 899, 166 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Surface Abundances of 17 Com B: A Test for Self-consistent Evolutionary Models
Deal, M., Monier, R.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 144 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Large Flux Variations of 17 Com A as Recorded by FUSE
Monier, R.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 135 [ DOI | ADS ]

Kepler photometry and spectroscopic observations of the delta Scuti / gamma Doradus hybrid candidate star KIC 4920125
Fox-Machado, L., Higuera, J.
2020, BAAA, 61C, 54 [ ADS ]

A plethora of new, magnetic chemically peculiar stars from LAMOST DR4
Hümmerich, S., Paunzen, E., Bernhard, K.
2020, A&A, 640, A40 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotational Variability in the TESS Light Curve of 21 Com
Monier, R., Lampens, P.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 121 [ DOI | ADS ]

Evolutionary Features and Other Characteristics of Magnetic Stars with Helium Anomalies (He-r, He-w)
Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
2020, AstBu, 75, 139 [ DOI | ADS ]

Estrellas de mercurio-manganeso: Avances recientes y cuestiones pendientes
González, J. F.
2020, BAAA, 61B, 41 [ ADS ]

Chemically Peculiar A and F Stars with Enhanced s-process and Iron-peak Elements: Stellar Radiative Acceleration at Work
Xiang, M.-S., Rix, H.-W., Ting, Y.-S., Ludwig, H.-G., Coronado, J., and 4 more
2020, ApJ, 898, 28 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Far-ultraviolet Variations of 17 Com
Monier, R.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 111 [ DOI | ADS ]

Long-period Ap stars discovered with TESS data
Mathys, G., Kurtz, D. W., Holdsworth, D. L.
2020, A&A, 639, A31 [ DOI | ADS ]

Understanding the rotational variability of K2 targets. HgMn star KIC 250152017 and blue horizontal branch star KIC 249660366
Krtička, J., Kawka, A., Mikulášek, Z., Fossati, L., Krtičková, I., and 4 more
2020, A&A, 639, A8 [ DOI | ADS ]

NLTE spectral analysis of the intermediate helium-rich subdwarf B star CPD-20°1123
Löbling, L.
2020, MNRAS, 497, 67 [ DOI | ADS ]

The SDSS/APOGEE catalogue of HgMn stars
Chojnowski, S. D., Hubrig, S., Hasselquist, S., Beaton, R. L., Majewski, S. R., and 2 more
2020, MNRAS, 496, 832 [ DOI | ADS ]

KIC 8975515: A fast-rotating (γ Dor – δ Sct) hybrid star with Rossby modes and a slower δ Sct companion in a long-period orbit
Samadi-Ghadim, A., Lampens, P., Jassur, D. M., Jofré, P.
2020, A&A, 638, A57 [ DOI | ADS ]

Catalogue of new Herbig Ae/Be and classical Be stars. A machine learning approach to Gaia DR2
Vioque, M., Oudmaijer, R. D., Schreiner, M., Mendigutía, I., Baines, D., and 2 more
2020, A&A, 638, A21 [ DOI | ADS ]

Longitudinal drift of Tayler instability eigenmodes as a possible explanation for super-slowly rotating Ap stars
Kitchatinov, L. L., Potravnov, I. S., Nepomnyashchikh, A. A.
2020, A&A, 638, L9 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery of a jet from the single HAe/Be star HD 100546
Schneider, P. C., Dougados, C., Whelan, E. T., Eislöffel, J., Günther, H. M., and 4 more
2020, A&A, 638, L3 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Pre-main-sequence γ Dor-δ Sct Hybrid with Extremely Slow Internal Rotation in a Short-period Eclipsing Binary KIC 9850387 Revealed by Asteroseismology
Zhang, X., Chen, X., Zhang, H., Fu, J., Li, Y.
2020, ApJ, 895, 124 [ DOI | ADS ]

The pulsation properties of λ bootis stars I. the southern TESS sample
Murphy, S. J., Paunzen, E., Bedding, T. R., Walczak, P., Huber, D.
2020, MNRAS, 495, 1888 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Common Proper-motion Companion to the Herbig Be Star HD 259431
van den Ancker, M.
2020, RNAAS, 4, 66 [ DOI | ADS ]

TESS photometry of extreme helium stars PV Tel and V821 Cen
Jeffery, C. S., Barentsen, G., Handler, G.
2020, MNRAS, 495, L135 [ DOI | ADS ]

Simultaneous photometric and spectral analysis of a new outburst of V1686 Cyg
Andreasyan, H., Magakian, T., Movsessian, T.
2020, RAA, 20, 053 [ DOI | ADS ]

Detection of weak magnetic fields in two HgMn stars
Hubrig, S., Järvinen, S. P., Korhonen, H., Ilyin, I., Schöller, M., and 2 more
2020, MNRAS, 495, L97 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectroscopic analysis of accretion/ejection signatures in the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 261941 and V590 Mon
Moura, T., Alencar, S. H. P., Sousa, A. P., Alecian, E., Lebreton, Y.
2020, MNRAS, 494, 3512 [ DOI | ADS ]

A family portrait of disk inner rims around Herbig Ae/Be stars. Hunting for warps, rings, self shadowing, and misalignments in the inner astronomical units
Kluska, J., Berger, J. -P., Malbet, F., Lazareff, B., Benisty, M., and 23 more
2020, A&A, 636, A116 [ DOI | ADS ]

The 10.5 year rotation period of the strongly magnetic rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 166473
Mathys, G., Khalack, V., Landstreet, J. D.
2020, A&A, 636, A6 [ DOI | ADS ]

Spectroscopy of hot γ Doradus and A-F hybrid Kepler candidates close to the hot border of the δ Scuti instability strip
Kahraman Aliçavuș, F., Poretti, E., Catanzaro, G., Smalley, B., Niemczura, E., and 2 more
2020, MNRAS, 493, 4518 [ DOI | ADS ]

SALT revisits DY Cen: a rapidly evolving strontium-rich single helium star
Jeffery, C. S., Rao, N. K., Lambert, D. L.
2020, MNRAS, 493, 3565 [ DOI | ADS ]

New and improved rotational periods of magnetic CP stars from ASAS-3, KELT, and MASCARA data
Bernhard, K., Hümmerich, S., Paunzen, E.
2020, MNRAS, 493, 3293 [ DOI | ADS ]

Distorted surfaces of magnetic helium-peculiar stars: an application to a Cen
Krtička, J., Mikulášek, Z., Prvák, M., Niemczura, E., Leone, F., and 1 more
2020, MNRAS, 493, 2140 [ DOI | ADS ]

The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution – II. Implementation of magnetic braking in MESA and implications for the evolution of surface rotation in OB stars
Keszthelyi, Z., Meynet, G., Shultz, M. E., David-Uraz, A., ud-Doula, A., and 5 more
2020, MNRAS, 493, 518 [ DOI | ADS ]

The accretion rates and mechanisms of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Wichittanakom, C., Oudmaijer, R. D., Fairlamb, J. R., Mendigutía, I., Vioque, M., and 1 more
2020, MNRAS, 493, 234 [ DOI | ADS ]

Long-term spectroscopic survey of seven interesting CP stars
Vaňko, M., Pribulla, T., Hambálek, Ľ., Kundra, E., Komžík, R., and 5 more
2020, CoSka, 50, 632 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the first δ Scuti-like pulsating Ap star in an eclipsing binary
Skarka, M., Kabáth, P., Paunzen, E., Mašek, M., Žák, J., and 1 more
2020, CoSka, 50, 630 [ DOI | ADS ]

The enigmatic highly peculiar binary system HD 66051
Paunzen, E., Niemczura, E., Kołaczek-Szymański, P. A., Hubrig, S.
2020, CoSka, 50, 621 [ DOI | ADS ]

Binary fraction of magnetic chemically peculiar stars
Paunzen, E.
2020, CoSka, 50, 570 [ DOI | ADS ]

A diagnostic diagram for γ Doradus variables and slowly pulsating B-type stars
Takata, M., Ouazzani, R. -M., Saio, H., Christophe, S., Ballot, J., and 3 more
2020, A&A, 635, A106 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic geometry and surface differential rotation of the bright Am star Alhena A
Blazère, A., Petit, P., Neiner, C., Folsom, C., Kochukhov, O., and 3 more
2020, MNRAS, 492, 5794 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotation and spots in normal A and Am/Fm stars
Trust, O., Jurua, E., De Cat, P., Joshi, S.
2020, MNRAS, 492, 3143 [ DOI | ADS ]

The nature of the photometric variability of HgMn stars: a test of simulated light curves of φ Phe against the TESS data
Prvák, M., Krtička, J., Korhonen, H.
2020, MNRAS, 492, 1834 [ DOI | ADS ]

Updated pulsation period relations of γ Dor-type stars in eclipsing binaries: the case of KIC 2557430
Hoyman, B., Çakırlı, Ö., Özdarcan, O.
2020, MNRAS, 491, 5980 [ DOI | ADS ]

Gravity-mode period spacings and near-core rotation rates of 611 γ Doradus stars with Kepler
Li, G., Van Reeth, T., Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., Antoci, V., and 2 more
2020, MNRAS, 491, 3586 [ DOI | ADS ]

The chemical composition of the Herbig Ae SB2 system AK Sco (HD 152404)
Castelli, F., Hubrig, S., Järvinen, S. P., Schöller, M.
2020, MNRAS, 491, 2010 [ DOI | ADS ]

The nature of the NGC 2546: Not one but two open clusters
Alejo, A. D., González, J. F., Veramendi, M. E.
2020, A&A, 633, A146 [ DOI | ADS ]

Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing γ Dor Star V404 Lyrae
Lee, J. W., Hong, K., Koo, J.-R., Park, J.-H.
2020, AJ, 159, 24 [ DOI | ADS ]


Exploring the Convective Core of the Hybrid δ Scuti-γ Doradus Star CoRoT 100866999 with Asteroseismology
Chen, X., Li, Y., Zhang, X.
2019, ApJ, 887, 253 [ DOI | ADS ]

Variable Warm Dust around the Herbig Ae Star HD 169142: Birth of a Ring?
Chen, L., Moór, A., Kreplin, A., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., and 5 more
2019, ApJ, 887, L32 [ DOI | ADS ]

Influence of Large-Scale Perturbations in Circumstellar Disks on the Linear Polarization Parameters of UX Ori Stars
Shulman, S. G., Grinin, V. P.
2019, AstL, 45, 664 [ DOI | ADS ]

MOBSTER – III. HD 62658: a magnetic Bp star in an eclipsing binary with a non-magnetic `identical twin’
Shultz, M. E., Johnston, C., Labadie-Bartz, J., Petit, V., David-Uraz, A., and 7 more
2019, MNRAS, 490, 4154 [ DOI | ADS ]

The first view of δ Scuti and γ Doradus stars with the TESS mission
Antoci, V., Cunha, M. S., Bowman, D. M., Murphy, S. J., Kurtz, D. W., and 61 more
2019, MNRAS, 490, 4040 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotational and pulsational variability in the TESS light curve of HD 27463
Khalack, V., Lovekin, C., Bowman, D. M., Kobzar, O., David-Uraz, A., and 6 more
2019, MNRAS, 490, 2102 [ DOI | ADS ]

Secular Stability of Magnetic Field Structures in Magnetic CP-Stars
Glagolevskij, Yu. V., Nazarenko, A. F.
2019, Ap, 62, 491 [ DOI | ADS ]

KIC 4142768: An Evolved Gamma Doradus/Delta Scuti Hybrid Pulsating Eclipsing Binary with Tidally Excited Oscillations
Guo, Z., Fuller, J., Shporer, A., Li, G., Hambleton, K., and 3 more
2019, ApJ, 885, 46 [ DOI | ADS ]

The magnetic early B-type stars – III. A main-sequence magnetic, rotational, and magnetospheric biography
Shultz, M. E., Wade, G. A., Rivinius, Th., Alecian, E., Neiner, C., and 8 more
2019, MNRAS, 490, 274 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 42659: the only known roAp star in a spectroscopic binary observed with B photometry, TESS, and SALT
Holdsworth, D. L., Saio, H., Kurtz, D. W.
2019, MNRAS, 489, 4063 [ DOI | ADS ]

The fifth main-sequence magnetic B-type star showing coherent radio emission: Is this really a rare phenomenon?
Das, B., Chandra, P., Shultz, M. E., Wade, G. A.
2019, MNRAS, 489, L102 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Chemical Compositions of the Two New HgMn Stars HD 30085 and HD 30963: Comparison to χ Lupi A, ν Cap, and HD 174567
Monier, R., Griffin, E., Gebran, M., Kılıçoğlu, T., Merle, T., and 1 more
2019, AJ, 158, 157 [ DOI | ADS ]

Helium settling in F stars: constraining turbulent mixing using observed helium glitch signature
Verma, K., Silva Aguirre, V.
2019, MNRAS, 489, 1850 [ DOI | ADS ]

New evidence for weak magnetic fields in Herbig Ae/Be stars
Järvinen, S. P., Carroll, T. A., Hubrig, S., Ilyin, I., Schöller, M.
2019, MNRAS, 489, 886 [ DOI | ADS ]

The 2018 eruption and long-term evolution of the new high-mass Herbig Ae/Be object Gaia-18azl = VES 263
Munari, U., Joshi, V., Banerjee, D. P. K., Čotar, K., Shugarov, S. Y., and 8 more
2019, MNRAS, 488, 5536 [ DOI | ADS ]

The Barium Star HD204075: Iron Abundance and the Absence of Evidence for Accretion
Jeong, Y., Yushchenko, A., Gopka, V., Yushchenko, V., Rittipruk, P., and 2 more
2019, JASS, 36, 105 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery and Seismic Analysis of an EL CVn-type Binary with Hybrid δ Sct-γ Dor Pulsations
Zhang, X. B., Wang, K., Chen, X. H., Luo, C. Q., Zhang, C. G.
2019, ApJ, 884, 165 [ DOI | ADS ]

Envelope Convection, Surface Magnetism, and Spots in A and Late B-type Stars
Cantiello, M., Braithwaite, J.
2019, ApJ, 883, 106 [ DOI | ADS ]

A Mass-accreting Gamma Doradus Pulsator with a Synchronized Core in Kepler Eclipsing Binary KIC 7385478
Guo, Z., Li, G.
2019, ApJ, 882, L5 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 965: An extremely peculiar A star with an extremely long rotation period
Mathys, G., Romanyuk, I. I., Hubrig, S., Kudryavtsev, D. O., Schöller, M., and 2 more
2019, A&A, 629, A39 [ DOI | ADS ]

Adaptive elliptical aperture photometry: A software package for high-cadence ground-based photometry. I. Application to rapid oscillators observed from SAAO
Bowman, D. M., Holdsworth, D. L.
2019, A&A, 629, A21 [ DOI | ADS ]

Features of the Wind of the Unique Herbig Ae Star HD 190073
Kozlova, O. V., Pogodin, M. A., Alekseev, I. Yu., Dombrovskaya, M. I.
2019, Ap, 62, 318 [ DOI | ADS ]

Fundamental parameters and evolutionary status of the magnetic chemically peculiar stars HD 188041 (V1291 Aquilae), HD 111133 (EP Virginis), and HD 204411: spectroscopy versus interferometry
Romanovskaya, A., Ryabchikova, T., Shulyak, D., Perraut, K., Valyavin, G., and 2 more
2019, MNRAS, 488, 2343 [ DOI | ADS ]

Erratum: HD 226766: a hierarchical SB3 system with two twin Am stars
Catanzaro, G., Gangi, M., Giarrusso, M., Munari, M., Leone, F.
2019, MNRAS, 488, 480 [ DOI | ADS ]

∊ Lupi: measuring the heartbeat of a doubly magnetic massive binary with BRITE Constellation
Pablo, H., Shultz, M., Fuller, J., Wade, G. A., Paunzen, E., and 14 more
2019, MNRAS, 488, 64 [ DOI | ADS ]

Six new rapidly oscillating Ap stars in the Kepler long-cadence data using super-Nyquist asteroseismology
Hey, D. R., Holdsworth, D. L., Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., Cunha, M. S., and 4 more
2019, MNRAS, 488, 18 [ DOI | ADS ]

Periodic Variability on Time-scales of Decades to Centuries in Magnetic Ap Stars: Challenges and Strategies
Mathys, G.
2019, IAUS, 339, 106 [ DOI | ADS ]

Monitoring Period Variations of Variable Stars using Precise Photometric Surveys
Mikulášek, Z., Zejda, M., Hümmerich, S., Krtička, J., Bernhard, K., and 5 more
2019, IAUS, 339, 110 [ DOI | ADS ]

∆a Photometric Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud
Zejda, M., Paunzen, E., Mikulášek, Z.
2019, IAUS, 339, 349 [ DOI | ADS ]

Strongly magnetic Ap stars in the Gaia DR2 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram . I. Selecting the most reliable astrometric and photometric data
Scholz, R. -D., Chojnowski, S. D., Hubrig, S.
2019, A&A, 628, A81 [ DOI | ADS ]

Short-period Variable Stars in Young Open Cluster Stock 8
Lata, S., Pandey, A. K., Kesh Yadav, R., Richichi, A., Irawati, P., and 3 more
2019, AJ, 158, 68 [ DOI | ADS ]

High Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of a B-type Abundance Standard Candidate in Ori OB1—HD 35039
Şahin, T., Dervișoğlu, A.
2019, AstL, 45, 528 [ DOI | ADS ]

Statistical analysis of roAp, He-weak, and He-rich stars
Ghazaryan, S., Alecian, G., Hakobyan, A. A.
2019, MNRAS, 487, 5922 [ DOI | ADS ]

MOBSTER – II. Identification of rotationally variable A stars observed with TESS in sectors 1-4
Sikora, J., David-Uraz, A., Chowdhury, S., Bowman, D. M., Wade, G. A., and 5 more
2019, MNRAS, 487, 4695 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 99458: First time ever Ap-type star as a δ Scuti pulsator in a short period eclipsing binary?
Skarka, M., Kabáth, P., Paunzen, E., Fedurco, M., Budaj, J., and 16 more
2019, MNRAS, 487, 4230 [ DOI | ADS ]

Rotation and pulsation in Ap stars: first light results from TESS sectors 1 and 2
Cunha, M. S., Antoci, V., Holdsworth, D. L., Kurtz, D. W., Balona, L. A., and 34 more
2019, MNRAS, 487, 3523 [ DOI | ADS ]

Variable stars in young open cluster NGC 2244
Michalska, G.
2019, MNRAS, 487, 3505 [ DOI | ADS ]

High frequencies in TESS A-F main-sequence stars
Balona, L. A., Holdsworth, D. L., Cunha, M. S.
2019, MNRAS, 487, 2117 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 226766: a hierarchical SB3 system with two twin Am stars
Catanzaro, G., Gangi, M., Giarrusso, M., Munari, M., Leone, F.
2019, MNRAS, 487, 919 [ DOI | ADS ]

Period spacings of γ Doradus pulsators in the Kepler field: Rossby and gravity modes in 82 stars
Li, G., Van Reeth, T., Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., Antoci, V.
2019, MNRAS, 487, 782 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic OB[A] Stars with TESS: probing their Evolutionary and Rotational properties (MOBSTER) – I. First-light observations of known magnetic B and A stars
David-Uraz, A., Neiner, C., Sikora, J., Bowman, D. M., Petit, V., and 18 more
2019, MNRAS, 487, 304 [ DOI | ADS ]

Evolution of Magnetic Fields of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Kholtygin, A. F., Tsiopa, O. A., Makarenko, E. I., Tumanova, I. M.
2019, AstBu, 74, 293 [ DOI | ADS ]

H α Line Variations in the Herbig Ae Type Star HD179218
Ismailov, N. Z., Bashirova, U. Z., Adigezalzade, A. N.
2019, AstBu, 74, 300 [ DOI | ADS ]

Period spacings of gravity modes in rapidly rotating magnetic stars. I. Axisymmetric fossil field with poloidal and toroidal components
Prat, V., Mathis, S., Buysschaert, B., Van Beeck, J., Bowman, D. M., and 2 more
2019, A&A, 627, A64 [ DOI | ADS ]

The accelerating rotation of the magnetic He-weak star HD 142990
Shultz, M., Rivinius, Th, Das, B., Wade, G. A., Chandra, P.
2019, MNRAS, 486, 5558 [ DOI | ADS ]

The two magnetic components in the Herbig Ae SB2 system HD 104237
Järvinen, S. P., Carroll, T. A., Hubrig, S., Ilyin, I., Schöller, M., and 2 more
2019, MNRAS, 486, 5499 [ DOI | ADS ]

γ Doradus stars as a test of angular momentum transport models
Ouazzani, R. -M., Marques, J. P., Goupil, M. -J., Christophe, S., Antoci, V., and 2 more
2019, A&A, 626, A121 [ DOI | ADS ]

HD 96446: a long-period binary with a strongly magnetic He-rich primary with β Cephei pulsations
González, J. F., Briquet, M., Przybilla, N., Nieva, M. -F., De Cat, P., and 12 more
2019, A&A, 626, A94 [ DOI | ADS ]

Identification of Herbig Ae/Be Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Keller, L. D., Sloan, G. C., Oliveira, J. M., Kraemer, K. E., van Loon, J. Th., and 10 more
2019, ApJ, 878, 147 [ DOI | ADS ]

Detection of Coherent Emission from the Bp Star HD 142990 at uGMRT Frequencies
Das, B., Chandra, P., Shultz, M. E., Wade, G. A.
2019, ApJ, 877, 123 [ DOI | ADS ]

Metallic-line Stars Identified from Low-resolution Spectra of LAMOST DR5
Qin, L., Luo, A. -L., Hou, W., Li, Y.-B., Zhang, S., and 4 more
2019, ApJS, 242, 13 [ DOI | ADS ]

WET stars and planets: telescope network observations of mCP stars and exoplanets
Holdsworth, D. L.
2019, CoSka, 49, 475 [ ADS ]

Elemental abundance analysis of single and binary late-B stars using sub-meter class telescopes: HR 342, HR 769, HR 1284, and HR 8705
Kılıçoğlu, T., Monier, R.
2019, CoSka, 49, 373 [ ADS ]

HST/STIS analysis of the first main sequence pulsar CU Virginis
Krtička, J., Mikulášek, Z., Henry, G. W., Janík, J., Kochukhov, O., and 7 more
2019, A&A, 625, A34 [ DOI | ADS ]

A revisit to the enigmatic variable star 21 Comae
Paunzen, E., Handler, G., Walczak, P., Hümmerich, S., Niemczura, E., and 10 more
2019, MNRAS, 485, 4247 [ DOI | ADS ]

Asteroseismic masses, ages, and core properties of γ Doradus stars using gravito-inertial dipole modes and spectroscopy
Mombarg, J. S. G., Van Reeth, T., Pedersen, M. G., Molenberghs, G., Bowman, D. M., and 3 more
2019, MNRAS, 485, 3248 [ DOI | ADS ]

The magnetic early B-type Stars II: stellar atmospheric parameters in the era of Gaia
Shultz, M. E., Wade, G. A., Rivinius, Th, Alecian, E., Neiner, C., and 4 more
2019, MNRAS, 485, 1508 [ DOI | ADS ]

Compositional differences between the component stars of eclipsing close binary systems showing chemical peculiarities
Takeda, Y., Han, I., Kang, D.-I., Lee, B.-C., Kim, K.-M.
2019, MNRAS, 485, 1067 [ DOI | ADS ]

New catalogue of intermediate mass Pre-Main Sequence objects in Gaia DR2 using Machine Learning
Vioque, M., Oudmaijer, R., Baines, D., Pérez-Martínez, R.
2019, gaia, 52 [ DOI | ADS ]

Clustering properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Pérez Blanco, A. G. Y., Oudmaijer, R., Pérez-Martínez, R., Baines, D.
2019, gaia, 19 [ DOI | ADS ]

On the Mass Accretion Rate and Infrared Excess in Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Arun, R., Mathew, B., Manoj, P., Ujjwal, K., Kartha, S. S., and 3 more
2019, AJ, 157, 159 [ DOI | ADS ]

The behaviour of chemical elements in 62 Am star candidates
Catanzaro, G., Busà, I., Gangi, M., Giarrusso, M., Leone, F., and 1 more
2019, MNRAS, 484, 2530 [ DOI | ADS ]

Short-Term Spectral Variability of the Herbig Ae/Be Star HD37806
Pogodin, M. A., Kozlova, O. V., Alekseev, I. Yu., Pavlovskiy, S. E.
2019, Ap, 62, 18 [ DOI | ADS ]

Brightness Variability of 12 ROTD A-Stars
Savanov, I. S., Dmitrienko, E. S.
2019, Ap, 62, 48 [ DOI | ADS ]

Variation of the magnetic field of the Ap star HD 50169 over its 29-year rotation period
Mathys, G., Romanyuk, I. I., Hubrig, S., Kudryavtsev, D. O., Landstreet, J. D., and 3 more
2019, A&A, 624, A32 [ DOI | ADS ]

Compact gaseous accretion disk in Keplerian rotation around MWC 147
Hone, E., Kraus, S., Davies, C. L., Kreplin, A., Monnier, J. D., and 8 more
2019, A&A, 623, A38 [ DOI | ADS ]

Discovery of Resolved Magnetically Split Lines in SDSS/APOGEE Spectra of 157 Ap/Bp Stars
Chojnowski, S. D., Hubrig, S., Hasselquist, S., Castelli, F., Whelan, D. G., and 5 more
2019, ApJ, 873, L5 [ DOI | ADS ]

A volume-limited survey of mCP stars within 100 pc II: rotational and magnetic properties
Sikora, J., Wade, G. A., Power, J., Neiner, C.
2019, MNRAS, 483, 3127 [ DOI | ADS ]

A volume-limited survey of mCP stars within 100 pc – I. Fundamental parameters and chemical abundances
Sikora, J., Wade, G. A., Power, J., Neiner, C.
2019, MNRAS, 483, 2300 [ DOI | ADS ]

Global properties of the light curves of magnetic, chemically peculiar stars as a testbed for the existence of dipole-like symmetry in surface structures
Jagelka, M., Mikulášek, Z., Hümmerich, S., Paunzen, E.
2019, A&A, 622, A199 [ DOI | ADS ]

Diagnosing the Clumpy Protoplanetary Disk of the UXor Type Young Star GM Cephei
Huang, P. C., Chen, W. P., Mugrauer, M., Bischoff, R., Budaj, J., and 28 more
2019, ApJ, 871, 183 [ DOI | ADS ]

Time-dependent atomic diffusion in the atmospheres of CP stars. A big step forward: introducing numerical models including a stellar mass-loss
Alecian, G., Stift, M. J.
2019, MNRAS, 482, 4519 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic Fields of Chemically Peculiar and Related Stars. 5.Main Results of 2018 and Near-Future Prospects
Romanyuk, I. I.
2019, AstBu, 74, 437 [ DOI | ADS ]

On Properties of Main Sequence Magnetic Stars
Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
2019, AstBu, 74, 66 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic Fields of CP Stars in the Orion OB1 Association. III. Stars of Subgroup (a)
Romanyuk, I. I., Semenko, E. A., Moiseeva, A. V., Yakunin, I. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O.
2019, AstBu, 74, 55 [ DOI | ADS ]

Fundamental Parameters of CP Stars Observed at the 6-m Telescope. I. Observations in 2009-2011
Moiseeva, A. V., Romanyuk, I. I., Semenko, E. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O., Yakunin, I. A.
2019, AstBu, 74, 62 [ DOI | ADS ]

Physical properties of γ Doradus pulsating stars and their relationship with long-period δ Scuti variables
Qian, S.-B., Li, L.-J., He, J.-J., Zhang, J., Zhu, L.-Y., and 1 more
2019, RAA, 19, 001 [ DOI | ADS ]

Magnetic field topologies of the bright, weak-field Ap stars θ Aurigae and ∊ Ursae Majoris
Kochukhov, O., Shultz, M., Neiner, C.
2019, A&A, 621, A47 [ DOI | ADS ]

NU Ori: a hierarchical triple system with a strongly magnetic B-type star
Shultz, M., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Rivinius, Th, Wade, G. A., Kochukhov, O., and 11 more
2019, MNRAS, 482, 3950 [ DOI | ADS ]

Period spacings of γ Doradus pulsators in the Kepler field: detection methods and application to 22 slow rotators
Li, G., Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., Van Reeth, T., Antoci, V., and 1 more
2019, MNRAS, 482, 1757 [ DOI | ADS ]

Validating the C I 5052.17 Å/Mg II 4481 Å Equivalent Width Ratio as a Diagnostic for F-type Lambda Boo Stars
Cheng, K.-P., Tarbell, E. S., Giacinto, A. J., Neff, J. E., Romo, C. A., and 3 more
2019, AJ, 157, 7 [ DOI | ADS ]

Online atlases/catalogues

Atlas of LAMOST Low-Resolution Spectra of Chemically Peculiar Stars
Stefan Hümmerich