Charles Ramsay Cowley (1934-2024)

Dear Colleagues,

I write to inform you that obituaries for Chuck Cowley have now been posted on the AAS site ( and on the IAU site ( The IAU version contains a link to the AAS submission. Please forward this information to others of Chuck’s friends and collaborators who are not explicitly copied on the message as you think appropriate.

I want to again extend my sincere thanks to each of you for your expressed condolences on Chuck’s passing and for your shared remembrances of him as a scientist, mentor, and human being.  For the record, I have forwarded your comments to Chuck’s family so that they may appreciate the esteem and affection with which Chuck was held by his close colleagues.

The influence that Chuck Cowley has had on his profession and on those of us who were fortunate enough to have known him personally is both profound and lasting.  He will be missed for his comprehensive scientific expertise, as well as for his admirable personal qualities.


Donald Boad