ApN is back on line

Dear subscriber to A peculiar Newsletter (ApN),

As previously announced by email, the long-serving ApN web page ceased to be accessible in February 2019 owing to technical problems with the hosting server. These problems proved terminal, and a new server had to be found to host the newsletter. This took longer than hoped, but I am glad to announce at last that the ApN is now back on line, at the following URL:

At the same time, Luca Fossati stood down from his responsibility of Editor of the ApN; this responsibility has now been taken over by Silva Järvinen. Silva has given a new, more modern look to the newsletter: please be sure to check it at the link above. Hopefully, this rejuvenated look will represent an incentive for renewed dynamism and activity in the ApN. Contributions from all members of the Ap & Related Stars community are warmly invited; your participation is the key to ensure that we have a lively newsletter that reflects the vibrant research taking place in our field. 

Finally, I would like to take advantage of this announcement to express, in my name and in that of our community, a deep-felt gratitude to Luca Fossati, for all his work as Editor of the ApN over the past 13 years. I would also like to thank Silva Järvinen for volunteering to take over the responsibility of ApN Editor and for swiftly setting up the new-look version, and to wish her all the best in the continuation of this endeavour. 

Gautier Mathys
Chair, IAU Working Group on Ap & Related Stars